2005 Retrospective Exhibition plastic Baja California Biennial Arts Centre 2003 Selection Mexicali Baja California Biennial plastic called by the ICBC 2001 Biennial Selection of Baja California plastic called by the ICBC 1997 Selection n Baja California Biennial plastic called by the ICBC 1995 Biennial Selection of Baja California plastic called by the ICBC Expo 1991 individual painting and drawing "The Passion endure the Gallery of ICBC Mexicali, BC 1990 National Biennial V Selection Diego Rivera, Guanajuato, Guanajuato 1989 Meeting in EI encyclopaedic dictionary of Baja California section of art pg. 40 1988 Selection First Biennial Young UABC convened by the Autonomous University of Baja California 1987 Northwest Biennial Selection I called by Difocurt, Sinaloa Culiacn Expo 1986 Individual painting and graphics "Walking through La Realidad" in the House of Culture, Mexicali, BC Awards 1993 First and Second Place in Ceramics Charts in the IX Bienal of Baja California plastic called by the ICBC 1990 National Award for Urban Youth Creativity granted by the Directorate of Popular Culture and National Solidarity Program EI 1987 Third Place in Painting Biennial VII of Baja California plastic called by the ICBC 1986 First Place in the competition graph of the Mexican Revolution organized by the Government of the State of Baja California Studies 1979-1983 Studies in the Plastic Arts State School of Fine Arts in Mexicali Baja California